home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Task Priority Manager
- Copyright 1993 Barry McConnell
- bmccnnll@unix1.tcd.ie
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <workbench/workbench.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/gadtools.h>
- #include <proto/diskfont.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define DefFontLength 15 /* including the size */
- #define MaxFontLength 30 /* well, have YOU seen any font names longer than this?? */
- #define ScrollBarWidth 16
- #define LISTGAD 1
- #define SLIDERGAD 2
- #define BREAKGAD 3
- #define KILLGAD 4
- #define SETTINGSGAD 5
- #define GFONTGAD 6
- #define LFONTGAD 7
- #define GBOXGAD 8
- #define LBOXGAD 9
- #define CHECKGAD 10
- #define SAVEGAD 11
- #define USEGAD 12
- #define CANCELGAD 13
- void __regargs __chkabort(void) {} /* turn off SAS/C v6 CTRL-C checking */
- int showTasks(void);
- int handleSettings(struct Screen *, struct Window *,
- struct Gadget *, struct Gadget *, struct Gadget *, struct Gadget *,
- struct listType /* standard Node type with extra space to store the original task structure, so we can find it again */
- {
- struct Node mainNode;
- struct Task *mainTask;
- };
- struct FontRequester *propFontReq = NULL, *monoFontReq = NULL;
- struct TextAttr propName = { " ", 0, 0, 0 },
- monoName = { " ", 0, 0, 0 };
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- static UBYTE *version = "$VER: PriMan 1.0 (03.09.93)";
- char *myName = NULL; /* to be filled in from WBStartup message */
- int workbench = 0; /* started from CLI or Workbench? */
- UWORD osver = 0; /* Kickstart version */
- WORD winLeft = 150, winTop = 50, winWidth = 220, winHeight = 270, confirm = 1; /* default settings */
- UWORD __chip waitPointer[] =
- {
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0400, 0x07c0,
- 0x0000, 0x07c0,
- 0x0100, 0x0380,
- 0x0000, 0x07e0,
- 0x07c0, 0x1ff8,
- 0x1ff0, 0x3fec,
- 0x3ff8, 0x7fde,
- 0x3ff8, 0x7fbe,
- 0x7ffc, 0xff7f,
- 0x7efc, 0xffff,
- 0x7ffc, 0xffff,
- 0x3ff8, 0x7ffe,
- 0x3ff8, 0x7ffe,
- 0x1ff0, 0x3ffc,
- 0x07c0, 0x1ff8,
- 0x0000, 0x07e0,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- };
- /*
- Display a busy pointer in the current window, and prevent user from
- clicking on any gadgets. The immediate flag prevents the short delay
- (under 3.x) before the pointer changes.
- */
- void busyPointer(struct Window *myWindow, struct Requester *myReq, BOOL immediate)
- {
- InitRequester(myReq);
- Request(myReq, myWindow);
- if (osver < 39 || immediate)
- SetPointer(myWindow, waitPointer, 16, 16, -6, 0);
- else
- SetWindowPointer(myWindow, WA_BusyPointer, TRUE,
- WA_PointerDelay, TRUE,
- }
- /*
- Restore the pointer to normal. The keepPointer flag just removes the invisible
- requester without restoring the normal pointer image.
- */
- void normalPointer(struct Window *myWindow, struct Requester *myReq, BOOL keepPointer)
- {
- if (!keepPointer)
- ClearPointer(myWindow);
- EndRequest(myReq, myWindow);
- }
- /*
- Join a text string (task or font name) and a number (priority or size) together.
- If it's a task, extra spaces are placed between the two components to make the
- string an exact length. If the task has an appropriate CLI number, that will be
- added in before the task name.
- If it's a font, the routine stops at a dot (i.e. in "x.font"), and places a
- single space between it and the size.
- There must be length+1 bytes free in dest, because of the \0 char.
- */
- void createString(struct Task *task, struct TextAttr *font, char *dest, int length)
- {
- int numLen, cli, i = 0, j = 0;
- char digits[5], clitext[11];
- char *name;
- APTR bstr;
- BYTE maxlen = -1;
- if (task) /* dealing with a task or a font? */
- {
- numLen = sprintf(digits, "%d", task -> tc_Node.ln_Pri); /* saves me writing an integer -> ASCII routine */
- if (((task -> tc_Node.ln_Type) == NT_PROCESS) && (cli = ((struct Process *)task) -> pr_TaskNum)) /* is it a process with a CLI attached? */
- {
- sprintf(clitext, "CLI #%d: ", cli);
- for (; (i < length - numLen - 1) && clitext[i]; i++)
- dest[i] = clitext[i];
- bstr = BADDR(((struct CommandLineInterface *)(BADDR(((struct Process *)task) -> pr_CLI))) -> cli_CommandName);
- name = (char *)(bstr)+1;
- maxlen = *((BYTE *)bstr);
- }
- else
- name = task -> tc_Node.ln_Name;
- }
- else /* font */
- {
- numLen = sprintf(digits, "%d", font -> ta_YSize);
- name = font -> ta_Name;
- }
- for (; (i < length - numLen - 1) && name[j] && maxlen && !((name[j] == '.') && font); i++, j++, maxlen--)
- dest[i] = name[j];
- do
- dest[i++] = ' ';
- while ((i < length - numLen) && task); /* only insert one space if it's a font name */
- j = 0;
- do
- dest[i++] = digits[j];
- while (digits[j++]);
- }
- /*
- Compare two strings. Like "strcmp" but case-insensitive.
- */
- int Compare(char *s, char *t)
- {
- for (; ((*s & ~32) == (*t & ~32)) && *s; s++, t++) /* sorry, K&R ;-) */
- ;
- return (*s & ~32) - (*t & ~32);
- }
- /*
- Alphabetically insert "node" into "list".
- */
- void Sort(struct List *list, struct Node *node)
- {
- struct Node *temp = list -> lh_Head;
- while ((temp -> ln_Succ) && Compare(temp -> ln_Name, node -> ln_Name) < 0)
- temp = temp -> ln_Succ;
- Insert(list, node, temp -> ln_Pred);
- }
- /*
- Add an Exec task list ("source") onto our own one ("dest").
- Allocates memory as necessary, and preserves alphabetical order.
- If we just want to add one task, use the last parameter ("single") -
- in this case, "source" will be ignored.
- */
- int BuildList(struct List *source, struct List *dest, struct Remember **memoryKey, int taskLength, struct Task *single)
- {
- struct Node *execNode;
- struct listType *taskNode;
- int success = TRUE;
- UBYTE *taskString;
- if (single)
- {
- if ((taskNode = AllocRemember(memoryKey, sizeof(struct listType), MEMF_ANY))
- && (taskString = AllocRemember(memoryKey, taskLength + 1, MEMF_ANY)))
- {
- createString(single, NULL, taskString, taskLength);
- taskNode -> mainNode.ln_Name = taskString;
- taskNode -> mainNode.ln_Pri = single -> tc_Node.ln_Pri;
- taskNode -> mainTask = single;
- Sort(dest, (struct Node *)taskNode);
- }
- else
- success = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- for (execNode = source -> lh_Head; (execNode -> ln_Succ) && success; execNode = execNode -> ln_Succ)
- {
- if ((taskNode = AllocRemember(memoryKey, sizeof(struct listType), MEMF_ANY))
- && (taskString = AllocRemember(memoryKey, taskLength + 1, MEMF_ANY)))
- {
- createString((struct Task *)execNode, NULL, taskString, taskLength);
- taskNode -> mainNode.ln_Name = taskString;
- taskNode -> mainNode.ln_Pri = execNode -> ln_Pri;
- taskNode -> mainTask = (struct Task *)execNode;
- Sort(dest, (struct Node *)taskNode);
- }
- else
- success = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return success;
- }
- /*
- Search for given ToolType in array.
- Fills in string -> decimal value if found.
- */
- void match(char *tool, char **array, WORD *value)
- {
- char *string;
- int temp;
- if (string = FindToolType(array, tool)) /* is it there? */
- {
- sscanf(string, "%d", &temp); /* read it into type "int" */
- *value = temp; /* convert to "word" */
- }
- }
- void main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- struct DiskObject *myIcon;
- char **tools, *string;
- if (IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37))
- {
- if (GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 37))
- {
- if (GadToolsBase = OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", 37))
- {
- if (IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", 37))
- {
- osver = SysBase -> LibNode.lib_Version; /* running under 2.0, 3.0, ...? */
- if (workbench = !argc) /* only look at ToolTypes if started from Workbench */
- {
- myName = ((struct WBStartup *)argv) -> sm_ArgList -> wa_Name; /* find ourselves */
- if (myIcon = GetDiskObject(myName)); /* read in .info file */
- {
- tools = myIcon -> do_ToolTypes;
- match("LEFT", tools, &winLeft); /* start searching for valid ToolTypes */
- match("TOP", tools, &winTop);
- match("WIDTH", tools, &winWidth);
- match("HEIGHT", tools, &winHeight);
- match("GADSIZE", tools, &(propName.ta_YSize));
- match("LISTSIZE", tools, &(monoName.ta_YSize));
- if (string = FindToolType(tools, "GADFONT"))
- sscanf(string, "%s", propName.ta_Name);
- if (string = FindToolType(tools, "LISTFONT"))
- sscanf(string, "%s", monoName.ta_Name);
- if (string = FindToolType(tools, "CONFIRM"))
- confirm = !(string[0] == 'N' && string[1] == 'O'); /* user must be exact! */
- FreeDiskObject(myIcon);
- }
- }
- propFontReq = AllocAslRequest(ASL_FontRequest, NULL);
- monoFontReq = AllocAslRequest(ASL_FontRequest, NULL);
- while (showTasks())
- ;
- FreeAslRequest(propFontReq);
- FreeAslRequest(monoFontReq);
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
- }
- }
- int showTasks(void)
- {
- static struct Window *myWindow; /* allow resizing without closing it */
- static int windowValid = FALSE;
- struct Screen *myScreen;
- struct TextFont *propFont, *monoFont;
- struct TextExtent fontSize = { NULL, NULL };
- struct RastPort myRast;
- struct Image blank = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
- struct IntuiMessage *message;
- struct Task *currentTask;
- struct List taskList;
- struct Remember *memoryKey;
- struct Requester tinyReq;
- struct Node *current;
- struct NewGadget myGad;
- struct Gadget *mainGads, *setGads, *prevGad, *prevGad2, *selectedGad,
- *listGad, *sliderGad, *breakGad, *killGad, *propFontGad, *monoFontGad, *checkGad;
- void *visInfo;
- WORD height, width, sysHeight, sysWidth, windowTop, listWidth, buttonWidth, minWidth, minHeight,
- setWidth, setHeight, buttonText, fontText, confirmText, cancelText, code;
- ULONG class;
- int taskLength, exit = 0, redraw = 0, preserve = 0, update = 0, wide = 0, pos, button;
- struct EasyStruct about = /* And the user thought he was getting full online help... */
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "About PriMan",
- "Task Priority Manager v1.0\nFreely Distributable\nCopyright 1993 Barry McConnell\nbmccnnll@unix1.tcd.ie",
- "Okay"
- };
- struct EasyStruct lost = /* Oi! Where did that task go? */
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "PriMan trouble",
- "Task was not found!",
- "Okay"
- };
- struct EasyStruct signal =
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "PriMan warning",
- "Really signal `%s'\nwith Ctrl-C?",
- "Signal|Cancel"
- };
- struct EasyStruct kill =
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "PriMan warning",
- "Really remove `%s'?",
- "Remove|Cancel"
- };
- if (myScreen = LockPubScreen(NULL))
- {
- if (visInfo = GetVisualInfo(myScreen, TAG_END))
- {
- if (!propName.ta_YSize || propName.ta_Name[0] == ' ') /* invalid font structure */
- {
- propName.ta_YSize = myScreen -> Font -> ta_YSize;
- strcpy(propName.ta_Name, myScreen -> Font -> ta_Name);
- }
- if (!monoName.ta_YSize || monoName.ta_Name[0] == ' ')
- {
- monoName.ta_YSize = GfxBase -> DefaultFont -> tf_YSize;
- strcpy(monoName.ta_Name, GfxBase -> DefaultFont -> tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name);
- }
- if ((propFont = OpenDiskFont(&propName)) && (monoFont = OpenDiskFont(&monoName)))
- {
- FontExtent(propFont, &fontSize); /* figure out pixel size of fonts */
- height = fontSize.te_Height;
- width = fontSize.te_Width;
- FontExtent(monoFont, &fontSize);
- sysHeight = fontSize.te_Height;
- sysWidth = fontSize.te_Width;
- InitRastPort(&myRast); /* dummy RastPort for getting string lengths */
- myRast.Font = propFont;
- buttonText = TextLength(&myRast, "Settings...", 11) + INTERWIDTH * 2;
- fontText = TextLength(&myRast, "Gadget Font...", 14) + INTERWIDTH * 2;
- confirmText = TextLength(&myRast, "Confirm actions?", 16);
- cancelText = TextLength(&myRast, "Cancel", 6) + INTERWIDTH * 2;
- windowTop = (myScreen -> WBorTop) + myScreen -> Font -> ta_YSize + 1 + INTERHEIGHT;
- listWidth = sysWidth * 7 + ScrollBarWidth + INTERWIDTH * 3 + (osver < 39 ? 4 : 0); /* full width of a small window (a bug in 2.x clips 4 pixels too early) */
- buttonWidth = buttonText * 3 + INTERWIDTH * 4; /* width of buttons and spacing */
- minWidth = buttonWidth > listWidth ? buttonWidth : listWidth; /* choose between them */
- minHeight = windowTop + sysHeight * (osver < 39 ? 5 : 3) + height + INTERHEIGHT * 8 + 2; /* small ListView (1 or 2 elements) */
- if (winWidth < minWidth) /* so, which is it to be? */
- winWidth = minWidth;
- if (winWidth > myScreen -> Width)
- winWidth = myScreen -> Width;
- if (winHeight < minHeight)
- winHeight = minHeight;
- if (winHeight > myScreen -> Height)
- winHeight = myScreen -> Height;
- taskLength = (winWidth - ScrollBarWidth - INTERWIDTH * 3 - (osver < 39 ? 4 : 0)) / sysWidth;
- mainGads = NULL; /* begin laying out gadgets for main window */
- prevGad = CreateContext(&mainGads);
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge = windowTop;
- myGad.ng_Width = winWidth - INTERWIDTH * 2;
- myGad.ng_Height = winHeight - windowTop - sysHeight - height - INTERHEIGHT * 7 - 2;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = NULL;
- myGad.ng_TextAttr = &monoName;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = LISTGAD;
- myGad.ng_Flags = NULL;
- myGad.ng_VisualInfo = visInfo;
- prevGad = listGad = CreateGadget(LISTVIEW_KIND, prevGad, &myGad,
- GTLV_Labels, NULL,
- GTLV_ShowSelected, NULL,
- if (!(windowValid || osver < 39)) /* if possible, silently adjust its height for perfect spacing */
- {
- winHeight += listGad -> Height - myGad.ng_Height; /* A bug in 2.x doesn't give the correct value */
- myGad.ng_Height = listGad -> Height; /* ListView may have ended up smaller */
- }
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += sysWidth * 4 + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge += myGad.ng_Height + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_Width = winWidth - INTERWIDTH - myGad.ng_LeftEdge;
- myGad.ng_Height = sysHeight + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = SLIDERGAD;
- prevGad = sliderGad = CreateGadget(SLIDER_KIND, prevGad, &myGad,
- GTSL_Min, -25,
- GTSL_Max, 25,
- GTSL_Level, 0,
- GTSL_LevelFormat, "%4ld",
- GTSL_MaxLevelLen, 4,
- GA_RelVerify, TRUE,
- GA_Disabled, TRUE,
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge += myGad.ng_Height + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_Width = buttonText;
- myGad.ng_Height = height + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Break";
- myGad.ng_TextAttr = &propName;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = BREAKGAD;
- prevGad = breakGad = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad, &myGad,
- GA_Disabled, TRUE,
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += buttonText + (winWidth - INTERWIDTH *2 - buttonText * 3) / 2;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Kill";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = KILLGAD;
- prevGad = killGad = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad, &myGad,
- GA_Disabled, TRUE,
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += buttonText + (winWidth - INTERWIDTH *2 - buttonText * 3) / 2;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Settings...";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = SETTINGSGAD;
- prevGad = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad, &myGad, TAG_END);
- setGads = NULL; /* now the settings window */
- prevGad2 = CreateContext(&setGads);
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge = windowTop;
- myGad.ng_Width = fontText;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Gadget Font...";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = GFONTGAD;
- prevGad2 = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad, TAG_END);
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += confirmText + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_Width = width * DefFontLength + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = NULL;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = GBOXGAD;
- prevGad2 = propFontGad = CreateGadget(TEXT_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad,
- GTTX_Border, TRUE,
- setWidth = myGad.ng_LeftEdge + myGad.ng_Width + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge += myGad.ng_Height + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_Width = fontText;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "List Font...";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = LFONTGAD;
- prevGad2 = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad, TAG_END);
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += confirmText + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_Width = width * DefFontLength + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = NULL;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = LBOXGAD;
- prevGad2 = monoFontGad = CreateGadget(TEXT_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad,
- GTTX_Border, TRUE,
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge += myGad.ng_Height + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_Width = confirmText;
- myGad.ng_Height = height + INTERHEIGHT;
- myGad.ng_TextAttr = &propName;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = NULL;
- prevGad2 = CreateGadget(TEXT_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad,
- GTTX_Text, "Confirm actions?",
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += myGad.ng_Width + INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge += (height + INTERHEIGHT - 11) / 2;
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = CHECKGAD;
- prevGad2 = checkGad = CreateGadget(CHECKBOX_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad, TAG_END);
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH;
- myGad.ng_TopEdge += height + INTERHEIGHT * 2 - (height + INTERHEIGHT - 11) / 2;
- myGad.ng_Width = cancelText;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Save";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = SAVEGAD;
- prevGad2 = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad,
- GA_Disabled, !workbench, /* CLI users can't open the .info file */
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += cancelText + (setWidth - INTERWIDTH *2 - cancelText * 3) / 2;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Use";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = USEGAD;
- prevGad2 = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad, TAG_END);
- myGad.ng_LeftEdge += cancelText + (setWidth - INTERWIDTH *2 - cancelText * 3) / 2;
- myGad.ng_GadgetText = "Cancel";
- myGad.ng_GadgetID = CANCELGAD;
- prevGad2 = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, prevGad2, &myGad, TAG_END);
- setHeight = myGad.ng_TopEdge + myGad.ng_Height + INTERHEIGHT + 2;
- if (prevGad && prevGad2)
- {
- if (windowValid) /* it may already be open and just needs updating */
- {
- AddGList(myWindow, mainGads, ~0, -1, NULL);
- RefreshGList(mainGads, myWindow, NULL, -1);
- windowValid = FALSE;
- }
- else
- myWindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Title, "Task Priority Manager",
- WA_Gadgets, mainGads,
- WA_Left, winLeft,
- WA_Top, winTop,
- WA_Width, winWidth,
- WA_Height, winHeight,
- WA_MinWidth, minWidth,
- WA_MinHeight, minHeight,
- WA_MaxWidth, ~0,
- WA_MaxHeight, ~0,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_SizeGadget, TRUE,
- WA_SizeBBottom, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_PubScreen, myScreen,
- if (myWindow) /* either just opened, or else we added the gadget list above */
- {
- GT_RefreshWindow(myWindow, NULL);
- do
- {
- if (update) /* may need to remove obsolete task list first */
- {
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(listGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTLV_Labels, ~0,
- FreeRemember(&memoryKey, TRUE);
- exit = update = 0;
- }
- memoryKey = NULL;
- taskList.lh_Head = (struct Node *) &taskList.lh_Tail;
- taskList.lh_Tail = NULL;
- taskList.lh_TailPred = (struct Node *) &taskList.lh_Head;
- Disable(); /* going to walk Exec's task list */
- if (BuildList(&(SysBase -> TaskReady), &taskList, &memoryKey, taskLength, NULL)
- && BuildList(&(SysBase -> TaskWait), &taskList, &memoryKey, taskLength, NULL)
- && BuildList(NULL, &taskList, &memoryKey, taskLength, FindTask(NULL)))
- {
- Enable();
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(listGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTLV_Labels, &taskList,
- GTLV_Selected, ~0,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(sliderGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GA_Disabled, TRUE,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(breakGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GA_Disabled, TRUE,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(killGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GA_Disabled, TRUE,
- pos = -1; /* ignore any "leftover" requests to break / kill */
- do
- {
- WaitPort(myWindow -> UserPort);
- if (message = GT_GetIMsg(myWindow -> UserPort)) /* GadTools filters out most of them */
- {
- if ((class = message -> Class) == GADGETUP)
- selectedGad = message -> IAddress;
- code = message -> Code;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(message);
- switch (class)
- {
- exit = 1;
- break;
- exit = redraw = preserve = 1;
- break;
- GT_BeginRefresh(myWindow);
- GT_EndRefresh(myWindow, TRUE);
- break;
- case GADGETUP:
- switch (selectedGad -> GadgetID)
- {
- case LISTGAD:
- pos = code;
- for (current = taskList.lh_Head; code > 0; current = current -> ln_Succ, code --) /* find selected task */
- ;
- if (wide = (current -> ln_Pri < -25 || current -> ln_Pri > 25)) /* wide or narrow scale? */
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(sliderGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTSL_Min, -128,
- GTSL_Max, 127,
- else
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(sliderGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTSL_Min, -25,
- GTSL_Max, 25,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(sliderGad, myWindow, NULL, /* update slider gadget to new task's priority */
- GTSL_Level, current -> ln_Pri,
- GA_Disabled, FALSE,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(breakGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GA_Disabled, FALSE,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(killGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GA_Disabled, FALSE,
- break;
- currentTask = ((struct listType *)current) -> mainTask;
- if (currentTask -> tc_State < 2 || currentTask -> tc_State > 4) /* not a valid task */
- {
- busyPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- EasyRequest(NULL, &lost, NULL, NULL);
- normalPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- exit = update = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- SetTaskPri(currentTask, (WORD)code);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(listGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTLV_Labels, ~0,
- createString(currentTask, FALSE, current -> ln_Name, taskLength);
- current -> ln_Pri = (WORD)code;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(listGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTLV_Labels, &taskList,
- GTLV_Selected, pos, /* only required under 2.0 */
- }
- break;
- case BREAKGAD:
- case KILLGAD:
- if (!(pos == -1))
- {
- busyPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- currentTask = ((struct listType *)current) -> mainTask;
- if (currentTask -> tc_State < 2 || currentTask -> tc_State > 4)
- {
- EasyRequest(NULL, &lost, NULL, NULL);
- exit = update = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (confirm)
- button = EasyRequest(NULL, (selectedGad -> GadgetID == BREAKGAD) ? &signal : &kill, NULL, currentTask -> tc_Node.ln_Name);
- if (button || !confirm) /* user clicked "Okay" */
- {
- Disable();
- if (currentTask -> tc_State >= 2 && currentTask -> tc_State <= 4) /* paranoid! */
- {
- if (selectedGad -> GadgetID == BREAKGAD)
- {
- Signal(currentTask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- Enable();
- Delay(25); /* allow time for task to exit */
- }
- else
- {
- RemTask(currentTask); /* BLAM! */
- Enable();
- }
- }
- exit = update = 1;
- }
- }
- normalPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- }
- break;
- WindowLimits(myWindow, winWidth, winHeight, winWidth, winHeight);
- busyPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- if (handleSettings(myScreen, myWindow, setGads, propFontGad, monoFontGad, checkGad, setWidth, setHeight, windowTop))
- exit = redraw = 1;
- normalPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- WindowLimits(myWindow, minWidth, minHeight, ~0, ~0);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case RAWKEY:
- switch (code)
- {
- case 64:
- case 68: /* Space or Return keys */
- exit = update = 1;
- break;
- case 66: /* Tab key */
- if (!(pos == -1)) /* don't change the scale of a disabled slider */
- {
- if (current -> ln_Pri > -26 && current -> ln_Pri < 26) /* don't want to end up off the scale! */
- {
- if (wide = 1 - wide)
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(sliderGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTSL_Min, -128,
- GTSL_Max, 127,
- else
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(sliderGad, myWindow, NULL,
- GTSL_Min, -25,
- GTSL_Max, 25,
- }
- }
- break;
- case 95: /* Help key */
- busyPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- EasyRequest(NULL, &about, NULL, NULL);
- normalPointer(myWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (!exit);
- }
- else
- Enable();
- }
- while (update);
- winLeft = myWindow -> LeftEdge;
- winTop = myWindow -> TopEdge;
- winWidth = myWindow -> Width;
- winHeight = myWindow -> Height;
- if (preserve)
- {
- windowValid = TRUE;
- blank.Width = winWidth - INTERWIDTH * 3 / 2; /* don't blank borders */
- blank.Height = winHeight - windowTop - INTERHEIGHT * 2 - 2;
- RemoveGList(myWindow, mainGads, -1); /* we'll leave the actual window open */
- EraseImage(myWindow -> RPort, &blank, INTERWIDTH, windowTop);
- RefreshWindowFrame(myWindow); /* because it's probably a mess by now... */
- }
- else
- CloseWindow(myWindow);
- FreeRemember(&memoryKey, TRUE);
- }
- }
- FreeGadgets(mainGads);
- FreeGadgets(setGads);
- CloseFont(monoFont);
- CloseFont(propFont);
- }
- FreeVisualInfo(visInfo);
- }
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL, myScreen);
- }
- return redraw;
- }
- int handleSettings(struct Screen *myScreen, struct Window *mainWindow,
- struct Gadget *setGads, struct Gadget *propFontGad, struct Gadget *monoFontGad, struct Gadget *checkGad,
- WORD setWidth, WORD setHeight, WORD windowTop)
- {
- struct Window *setWindow;
- struct IntuiMessage *message;
- struct Gadget *selectedGad;
- struct Requester tinyReq;
- WORD tempConfirm, action = 1, newPropFont = 0, newMonoFont = 0;
- UWORD class;
- char propString[DefFontLength + 1], monoString[DefFontLength + 1],
- tempPropName[MaxFontLength], tempMonoName[MaxFontLength];
- struct DiskObject *myIcon;
- char **oldTools, **currentTool, *newTools[20], empty[9][MaxFontLength + 10], *string;
- int tempPropSize, tempMonoSize, oldPos, newPos;
- if (setWindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Title, "PriMan Settings",
- WA_Gadgets, setGads,
- WA_Left, mainWindow -> LeftEdge,
- WA_Top, mainWindow -> TopEdge + windowTop - INTERHEIGHT,
- WA_Width, setWidth,
- WA_Height, setHeight,
- WA_DragBar, TRUE,
- WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
- WA_PubScreen, myScreen,
- {
- GT_RefreshWindow(setWindow, NULL);
- action = 0;
- tempConfirm = confirm; /* so we can restore it if the user clicks "Cancel" */
- createString(FALSE, &propName, propString, DefFontLength); /* initial setting for the text box */
- createString(FALSE, &monoName, monoString, DefFontLength);
- strcpy(tempPropName, propName.ta_Name); /* initial setting for the font requester */
- strcpy(tempMonoName, monoName.ta_Name);
- tempPropSize = propName.ta_YSize;
- tempMonoSize = monoName.ta_YSize;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(propFontGad, setWindow, NULL,
- GTTX_Text, propString,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(monoFontGad, setWindow, NULL,
- GTTX_Text, monoString,
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(checkGad, setWindow, NULL,
- GTCB_Checked, confirm,
- do
- {
- WaitPort(setWindow -> UserPort);
- message = GT_GetIMsg(setWindow -> UserPort);
- class = message -> Class;
- selectedGad = message -> IAddress;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(message);
- switch (class)
- {
- SetPointer(setWindow, waitPointer, 16, 16, -6, 0); /* helps prevent "flashing" */
- action = 1;
- break;
- GT_BeginRefresh(setWindow);
- GT_EndRefresh(setWindow, TRUE);
- break;
- case GADGETUP:
- switch (selectedGad -> GadgetID)
- {
- case CHECKGAD:
- tempConfirm = (selectedGad -> Flags) & GFLG_SELECTED;
- break;
- case GFONTGAD:
- busyPointer(setWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- if (newPropFont = AslRequestTags(propFontReq, ASL_Hail, "Select Gadget Font",
- ASL_FuncFlags, NULL,
- ASL_LeftEdge, setWindow -> LeftEdge,
- ASL_TopEdge, setWindow -> TopEdge + windowTop - INTERHEIGHT,
- ASL_FontName, tempPropName,
- ASL_FontHeight, tempPropSize,
- {
- createString(FALSE, &(propFontReq -> fo_Attr), propString, DefFontLength);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(propFontGad, setWindow, NULL,
- GTTX_Text, propString,
- strcpy(tempPropName, propFontReq -> fo_Attr.ta_Name);
- tempPropSize = propFontReq -> fo_Attr.ta_YSize;
- }
- normalPointer(setWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- break;
- case LFONTGAD:
- busyPointer(setWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- if (newMonoFont = AslRequestTags(monoFontReq, ASL_Hail, "Select Task List Font",
- ASL_LeftEdge, setWindow -> LeftEdge,
- ASL_TopEdge, setWindow -> TopEdge + windowTop - INTERHEIGHT,
- ASL_FontName, tempMonoName,
- ASL_FontHeight, tempMonoSize,
- {
- createString(FALSE, &(monoFontReq -> fo_Attr), monoString, DefFontLength);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(monoFontGad, setWindow, NULL,
- GTTX_Text, monoString,
- strcpy(tempMonoName, monoFontReq -> fo_Attr.ta_Name);
- tempMonoSize = monoFontReq -> fo_Attr.ta_YSize;
- }
- normalPointer(setWindow, &tinyReq, FALSE);
- break;
- case SAVEGAD:
- case USEGAD:
- busyPointer(setWindow, &tinyReq, TRUE);
- action = 1;
- confirm = tempConfirm;
- if (newPropFont && (strcmp((propFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_Name, propName.ta_Name)
- || !((propFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_YSize == propName.ta_YSize)))
- {
- strcpy(propName.ta_Name, (propFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_Name);
- propName.ta_YSize = (propFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_YSize;
- action = 2;
- }
- if (newMonoFont && (strcmp((monoFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_Name, monoName.ta_Name)
- || !((monoFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_YSize == monoName.ta_YSize)))
- {
- strcpy(monoName.ta_Name, (monoFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_Name);
- monoName.ta_YSize = (monoFontReq -> fo_Attr).ta_YSize;
- action = 2;
- }
- if (selectedGad -> GadgetID == SAVEGAD)
- {
- if (myIcon = GetDiskObject(myName));
- {
- currentTool = oldTools = myIcon -> do_ToolTypes; /* existing ToolTypes */
- oldPos = newPos = 0;
- while (string = currentTool[oldPos++])
- if (strncmp(string, "LEFT", 4) && strncmp(string, "TOP", 3)
- && strncmp(string, "WIDTH", 5) && strncmp(string, "HEIGHT", 6)
- && strncmp(string, "GADFONT", 7) && strncmp(string, "GADSIZE", 7)
- && strncmp(string, "LISTFONT", 8) && strncmp(string, "LISTSIZE", 8)
- && strncmp(string, "CONFIRM", 7)) /* get rid of our ones */
- newTools[newPos++] = string;
- sprintf(empty[0], "LEFT=%d", mainWindow -> LeftEdge);
- sprintf(empty[1], "TOP=%d", mainWindow -> TopEdge);
- sprintf(empty[2], "WIDTH=%d", mainWindow -> Width);
- sprintf(empty[3], "HEIGHT=%d", mainWindow -> Height);
- sprintf(empty[4], "GADFONT=%s", propName.ta_Name);
- sprintf(empty[5], "GADSIZE=%d", propName.ta_YSize);
- sprintf(empty[6], "LISTFONT=%s", monoName.ta_Name);
- sprintf(empty[7], "LISTSIZE=%d", monoName.ta_YSize);
- sprintf(empty[8], "CONFIRM=%s", confirm ? "YES" : "NO");
- for (oldPos = 0; oldPos < 9;)
- newTools[newPos++] = empty[oldPos++]; /* write out our ones at end */
- newTools[newPos] = NULL; /* end of list */
- myIcon -> do_ToolTypes = newTools;
- PutDiskObject(myName, myIcon);
- myIcon -> do_ToolTypes = oldTools; /* restore original pointer before freeing memory */
- FreeDiskObject(myIcon);
- }
- }
- normalPointer(setWindow, &tinyReq, TRUE);
- break;
- SetPointer(setWindow, waitPointer, 16, 16, -6, 0);
- action = 1;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- while (!action);
- CloseWindow(setWindow);
- }
- return action - 1;
- }